
Violin teachers at Golden Method School are laureates of international competitions, soloists of leading orchestras and ensembles with many years of teaching experience in tutoring and individual practice. Choose a teacher and sign up for a consultation!
Graduated from the Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory and assistantship-in-training in the class of Professor Graf Murzha. Laureate of international competitions, soloist of the "Bolshoi" Violin Ensemble, artist of the "Bolshoi" Theatre Orchestra since 2015. Pedagogical experience of 5 years.

Artem Rudenko

Nikolay Khubiarov

他的父亲Ruben Khubiarov是第一位小提琴老师。
在Izabella Golovina教授的指导下,尼古拉也是她的助手。
2014-2017尼古拉在Alexey Gulyanitsky的指导下在莫斯科音乐学院实习。 尼古拉是国际比赛的获奖者,曾在俄罗斯和中国的不同管弦乐队工作,如莫斯科爱乐乐团和哈尔滨交响乐团,2012年的教师(他的学生是比赛的冠军,并在严肃的教育机构就读),尼古拉与指挥家范焘、陈林、于学锋一起与管弦乐队进行独奏表演,他经常有室内和独奏表演

Andrei Galitskiy

Andrey Galitskiy is a winner of international competitions, a follower of the Zeitlin school in the third generation. During six years he was an assistant of Professor Mikhail Iosifovich Benyumov, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. For 27 years of practice as a violinist and violist, he has experience working with outstanding musicians in Russia and abroad, including 4 years as a soloist of the Harbin Philharmonic and 3 years as a soloist of the Orchestra of the China Conservatory of Music (Beijing).
Over the years he has continued his teaching practice as well.
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